This has probably been the greatest year for video games, evah.
A rundown of what I'm playing now:
The Orange Box: How can this not win game of the year? Four awesome games, and one good one (Team Fortress 2) in one package? Portal is sublime, and perfect. Also the funniest video game I've played since Secret of Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge ... or maybe Psychonauts.
Call of Duty 4: Epic. Game is too short, though, and I haven't played any multiplayer yet.
Bioshock: Yes! Moody atmospheric, gorgeous, and actually makes you think.
Halo 3: Must I discuss this? The multiplayer is as addictive as ever.
Mass Effect: Probably a quarter of the way through, and savoring every second. There are technical issues, but the scope and grandeur of the plotline and accompanying visual presentation are second to none. Reminds me of KOTOR, in both the awesome, and the not-so-awesome, ways.
Guitar Hero III/Rock Band: GHIII is a cast-iron bitch to play. It's much harder than GHII: basically, medium=hard, hard=expert, etc. But, as fun as ever. The pricing of these games is starting to get a bit out of hand, though. Do we really need Rock Band II or GHIV? I say "nay." Just more downloadable content, please.
Assassin's Creed: See my review, below. Not for everyone, but this game hit every one of my video gaming wheelhouse's: near photorealistic, gorgeous historical settings. Tons of unnecessary bloodshed (sneakiness is for wimps), great animations, and a sci-fi meets philosophy story-line.