Friday, August 17, 2007

Random thoughts

Every atom in your bottom has been in existence since the beginning of the universe. You were once parts of stars, comets, nebula, and god knows what else. Though you may feel young, you're billions of years old.

If you're male and reading this, you (presumably) have a father. He had a father. And so on and so on, an unbroken line of fathers, back to the very first ape that even resembled a human. That's a pretty long line of males who did their part, and resulted in you being here. If you don't have a son, you break that million(s) year old chain. If you're female, same thing, just change all the words to reflect motherhood instead.

Salvia Divinorum is a mild hallucinogenic that isn't on any scheduled lists of drugs. Here's a website about it: I've got way too much to lose to dabble in illegal drugs at this point (one of my biggest regrets is that I didn't partake more often in college ... though perhaps it's a good thing I didn't, consider my addictive tendencies). If I run across some, I'll post about it here.

If you have an Xbox 360, and you don't at least download the Bioshock demo, you are a complete moron. We may see three or four of the top twenty video games, of all time, released for the Xbox 360 within a 12 month time period. Bioshock, Gears of War, Mass Effect, and Half-Life 2.


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