Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Pirates of Yet Another Disappointing Trilogy Finale

Very uneven effort. "There be spoilers below, argh".

I greatly enjoyed PoTC and Dead Man's Chest, but in so many ways this movie let me down. A big part of it was the godawful CGI direction. Was it necessary to have Sparrow flip through the air quite so maniacally? If you're going to spend that much money on a maelstrom, how about showing some of the other battles? I rewatched Dead Man's Chest (a movie that grows with every viewing, oddly enough) to refresh my recollection, and I wonder why I bothered. The Kraken was killed off....for no reason, the voodoo enchantress suddenly becomes a god (??), and Jack is now a pirate lord?

One of the neat things about Dead Man's Chest is that the compass, which was unexplained in PoTC, is integrated into the sequel's storyline. If you don't allude to major plot advances in prior movies they are going to seem like random contrivances, and the audience is going to feel disconnected and confused. For example, why is Calypso telling the story of Davy Jones with such offhanded glee in DMC when her tone should be one of sadness and regret? Why the hell are the Pirate Lords not mentioned in prior movies, and how did Jack become a Lord when he received the Black Pearl after making a deal with Jones?

This movie was just a complete mess. At times a very enjoyable mess, but the flotsam and jetsam overwhelms all concerned. I question the decision to have a two hour, forty five minute running time. Plus, since you have to wait through the endless credits for a scene of the surprisingy spry Keira Knightly waiting for Will's return, it bloats to more like three hours with previews.

**I hated Keira Knightley's speech. Why is it apparently so hard to pen a rousing cry to battle?

***The one rational character in the series decides to have the Chest guarded by two morons on a ship filled with immortal savages? Por que?


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